
Families are different and come in all shapes and sizes. They go through difficult times and sometimes it’s hard to get on with parents or siblings. Support and advise are available to help with family life.

National and local support

Struggling with families| Youngminds

Family plays a crucial role in supporting mental health, but sometimes things can get challenging within the dynamics. If you're facing difficulties with your family, YoungMinds offers valuable information and advice to support you through these tough times.

Divorce and separation |
Voices in the Middle

Voices in the Middle, created by young people, family law experts, and The Family Initiative charity, offers dedicated information for youth navigating divorce and separation.

Helping relatives |
Anna Freud

1 in 10 young people will go through periods of feeling emotionally unwell during any given year, but what do you do when this is your friend or relative? Anna Freud offers support and information.

Domestic abuse |
Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or are worried about someone else there are a number of support services available to you through the Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership.

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Other related support

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